VORTX Self Defense Blogs

Self-Defense Blog
  • Visualization in Self Defense

    Visualization in Self Defense

    Visualization in Self Defense The Power of Mental Rehearsal In the world of self-defense, physical training is crucial, but there’s another equally powerful tool that often goes overlooked:…

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    4 min read

  • Avoid Phone Scams

    Avoid Phone Scams

    How to Avoid Phone Scams BEWARE! The Call of the Scam: In the digital age, scammers are constantly devising new ways to swindle unsuspecting victims. One of the…

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    4 min read

  • Should You Use Pepper Spray for Self Defense?

    Should You Use Pepper Spray for Self Defense?

    Should You Use Pepper Spray for Self Defense? Pepper spray can be effective for self-defense in certain situations. Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (oleoresin capsicum), is…

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    4 min read