Why would a Real Estate Agent need Safety Training?

You’re meeting someone, usually alone and usually at an empty property. Your image is on the web and social media, allowing anyone to profile your potential assets, looks, work patterns, etc. This is known as “crime by appointment.”

You show up with inventory – credit cards, a laptop, an iPad, etc., and a car – everything ideal for a criminal running low on funds.

Do you look like a soft target or a hard target in the eyes of a criminal? Learn how to avoid dangerous situations before they even start.

The average police response time in the US is 11 minutes. Can you adequately defend yourself from an attacker for approximately 11 minutes? A cell phone alone can’t protect you. What can you do ahead of time to prevent this from happening?

Know how to recognize common pre-attack indicators and how to prevent or respond to a violent encounter.

  • Proactive House Staging
  • Agent Safety Protocols
  • Psychology of Self Defense
  • Physical Defense Skills
  • Vehicle Abduction Avoidance
  • Everyday Weapons