Adult Self Defense Classes in San Antonio

Skills learned in our adult self-defense class, Academy, or seminar are taught for use in real-life situations. In the real world, you do not get to choose your bad guy. They will always pick the time, place, and method of attack.  We train our students with this in mind, and it’s why RHINO Tactical Defense was developed – to be extremely effective in real life.

Our training will help you develop the ultimate mindset for real self-defense and the skills you need to defend against any situation.    

Everyone! Because the ability to improve your personal safety situation is not just for people of a certain age, gender, or fitness level. As you know, anyone can be targeted by an attacker and everyone deserves the ability to improve their personal safety. Prior experience isn’t necessary to learn reality-based self-defense.

Many people think taking an adult self-defense class is too difficult or they don’t have enough experience. Because of this, RHINO was created for the widest range of students and includes graduates of all sizes, shapes, ages, and abilities.

The Adult Academy consists of two 10-hour intensive training courses starting with a Beginner Academy and graduating to Advanced. Students will learn the most effective self-defense skills in a safe and realistic training environment. These skills are stress tested during scenario training exercises. From an angry parking lot encounter to an assault at an ATM, they can practice what they learn under pressure resulting in the best and most effective way to learn self-defense.

  • Psychology of Self Defense
  • Verbal De-Escalation
  • Escapes & Strikes
  • Close Quarter Combat
  • Ground Fighting
  • Abduction Avoidance
  • Weapons Defense
  • Deadly Force Situations
  • Self Confidence
  • Enhanced Situational Awareness
  • Control Under Stress
  • Personal Protection Skills